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Thunder is impressive, but Lightning does the work!
-Mark Twain


Lightning Electric Inc.

Have an electrical service-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • What do I do if an outlet is not working?

    If the outlet is in an area where it may be connected to a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) circuit, such as outdoors or in a garage, kitchen, or restroom, it may be connected to a GFCI outlet that needs to be reset. All GFCI outlets will have two buttons, one for testing and one for resetting. Push the reset button on each GFCI outlet, starting with those closest to the outlet not working, to see if this restores power. If this does not resolve the issue, make sure it is not a switched outlet connected to a wall switch. Turn on the nearby wall/light switches and see if that connects power to the outlet. If there is still no power to the outlet, check the electrical panel to see if any of the breakers have tripped. If so, you can turn the tripped breaker back to the “on” position. For further assistance, please call the service department at our electrical construction company.

  • What is GFCI?

    Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) receptacles and special ground fault circuit breakers are designed to protect you from even the smallest shock. A sensitive internal mechanism is designed to open the circuit in the event of the slightest imbalance in power. Common causes of ground fault units tripping are inferior appliances such as hair dryers, electric toothbrushes, and nightlights. Outside receptacles can become invaded with insects and their nests and may become dampened from rain or sprinkler systems.

    As with circuit breakers, GFCI units trip as they are designed to do, and are seldom defective. Once the cause of tripping can be determined and isolated, the unit can be reset and power restored. To test a suspected source of tripping, unplug the suspect device and push the reset button on the nearest GFCI outlet. Critical power supply requirements such as freezers and oxygen generators should be plugged into standard receptacles, rather than receptacles protected by sensitive GFCI units that could shut down the power source. For further assistance, please call the service department at our electrical construction company.

  • What do I do if power is out in half of the house?

    Is your power out in half of your house? The problem is very likely with the service coming from the utility company. You may be able to save the cost of a service call to us by calling them first to check their service to your property. If they confirm their service is intact, please call our service department. Our residential and commercial electricians can help!

  • What do I do if the circuit breaker is tripping?

    Circuit breakers “break” the flow of current through the circuit when the amount of amperage flowing through the circuit breaker exceeds the rating of the circuit breaker, generally from an overload or direct short to ground. According to This Old House, circuit breakers that feed receptacles will be rated at 15 or 20 amps; this means they will automatically trip if the current exceeds these ratings.

    It is common to think that because the breaker is tripping, it is defective, but tripping is exactly what they are designed to do and is most often functioning properly with another source for the problem. If a tripping circuit breaker feeds a circuit to a water heater, the water heater likely has a defective heating element. The normal procedure in this circumstance is to have a plumber repair or replace the water heater.

    Generally, appliances have a local disconnect switch or a cord plugged into an adjacent receptacle. To confirm that the trouble is internal, disconnect the power at the switch or unplug the cord to isolate the water heater from the circuit, then reset the circuit breaker by turning it to the off position and fully on again. If the circuit breaker holds then the trouble is likely in the appliance and the circuit breaker is functioning properly.

    The source of trouble causing a circuit breaker feeding a circuit with numerous lights and receptacles to trip is more difficult to diagnose. The source of the trouble may be caused by a “short” in the circuit, an overload, or a host of other possibilities. Our electricians are able to troubleshoot these problems for you. For further assistance, please call Lightning Electric Inc, your preferred electrical construction company!

  • Why am I feeling a shocking sensation from my sink?

    Are you getting slight tingles from your sink or plumbing? The water ground system is likely a better ground than the main electric service ground. For your family’s safety, please call our electrical construction company right away and have our electricians check the incoming electric service equipment. The trouble could be from numerous sources, but your well-being demands the assurance of a good grounding system. Call Lightning Electric Inc with any questions!

  • Why are my fluorescent lights flickering?

    If fluorescent lights begin to flicker, operate dimmer than when they were new, or come on slowly, first check the fluorescent lamps. Generally, older lamps will become dark at the end and may lose 20% of their brilliance, based on our experience. Replacing the lamps will generally solve the trouble as well as brighten the area. If new lamps don’t resolve the problem, it is likely that the ballast, or internal transformer, is defective and will have to be replaced. It is also possible that there is a defective socket or internal connection that requires the special attention of an electrical construction company. For further assistance, please call our service department.

  • Why do I need surge protection?

    Every electrical system should have surge protection, especially with Florida being known as the "lightning capital of the world." Nothing can withstand a direct hit by a lightning strike; however, most frequent damage occurs due to an adjacent strike, which can cause a power surge in the electrical system. This surge of power wreaks havoc with today’s sensitive electronic equipment, knocking out computers, TVs, stereo equipment, appliances, telephones, and everything electronic. Surge protectors come in all sizes, capabilities, and prices. Let our residential and commercial electricians recommend a unit to help protect your valuable property!

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